Band Winged Meadowhawk
Today was a another cool, cloudy, dark and damp Saturday. During the evening a gentle rain fell for a bit, by morning things were just damp. Now and again a light rain would fall for a few minutes, and then fade away.
There was no point in wasting gas to drive out to Allegan, I instead I visited the McLinden trails. THe breezy overcast weather kept the dragonflies at bay, and few were to be found on the wing. When I arrived at the park, however, I was happy to find a few Band Winged Meadowhawk. These are the smallest of the meadowhawks and, while not rare, and among the less common meadowhawks.
I saw but did not photograph one male, who was in the distinctive red meadowhawk color. Several females were in the area as well – here’s one shot:

Aside from that, one Ruby Meadowhawk paused for a moment in front of the camera. This afternoon the skies have cleared, so maybe tomorrow will bring a bit better luck.