Comment from: Avelardo Moulinet Visitor

Comment from: mcc Member

Thanks for the feedback, Avelardo!
Spring time finds me thinking a lot about shooting bugs - mostly because I have so much fun doing it. But I still pack a toy camera of some sort or another at all times - usually a Holga. It may take a while before I get a roll shot, so updates may not be that frequent. (And then there are all those un-successful experiments that never see the light of blog…)
As far as I know, the special moments cameras are not like the Dianas. I think Diana’s were medium format cameras - and the special moments are 35mm boxes.
With regard to expired film - I inherited several rolls of film a few years ago that were several years out of date. These were traditional silver B&W films. I found that with the exception of Kodak HEI they were useable - more prone to fogging, but with the right developer the fogging could be minmize. (Rodinal in particular seemed to produce less fogging.) I’ve had no problems using films a year or so out of dat e- provided they were stored in the freezer and were properly developed. But then, maybe I;m not that fussy - I _do_ scan all film for printing, and you can correct a multitude of problems easily in Photoshop that would be real challenges to handle in a wet darkroom.
Hope this helps….
I just saw your website. Awesome bugs! But I really like your B&W photos. I saw that you experimented with a Dollar Store camera using Ilford’s near infrared film. Is this like the famous Diana camera that was the rage about twenty years ago?
Photography students must have bought every last one of them.
I read that you bought some date expired film. I just placed a bet on some of the same film and am wondering if I’m going to have the same problems you did.
Yesterday I read an article on Ilford’s website where apparently they are going to do some batches now and then for this film.
They are also having a Photography contest on prints specifically made with this film. Interesting.
How expired was the film you bought? I see you froze the stock, which is what I plan to do.
Thanks and keep taking B&W.