More HDR / IR Washington DC Images
Here are a few more photos from my visit to Washington DC a few weeks ago.
For starters - the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center:

Reminds me of Guild Heighliner…
All of these are taken with the infrared converted Pentax K10-d. I’ve found that the Photomatix software is great for processing digital IR shots, even when they are not HDR shots. The shot above was just a single exposure, taken with a custom white balance, run through Photomatix, and the processed in Photoshop (channel swapping and the usual dodging and burning / overall tone and contrast adjustments.) I like the effects that Photomatix adds…
Another shot - a statue outside of the National Archives - again, single exposure digital IR:

Under this statue is written “Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty.” The dude in the statue looks formidable.
Lastly, here’s an actual HDR shot of the Lincoln Memorial. I took the exposure on a cloudy and overcast day, actually in a light rain, so the IR effect is very light and the contrast is extremely low. No way to tease any color out of this image - I resorted to the hand coloring technique earlier, here is a straight B&W: