Comment from: mcc Member

That’s a great shot of a black widow, Kim! You’ve set a standard I have to work towards. As you can see in my shot - I was shooting through a lot of vegetation that resulted in the images being pretty hazy.
I’d avoid the annoy/frighten path though… :-)
Comment from: jbd Visitor

Very Impressive Shots!
Comment from: Wendy B Visitor

Wow glad I saw this, I was running my yellow lab through this area in early October and she gets well off the beaten path. Great shots, thanks
Comment from: Kristin Visitor

Thank you for displaying this page about northern widow spiders i’ve been trying to figure out what type of spider had infrested my apartment. The one I spoted was smaller and not as bold of colors though i figure it was a young one. Thank you again.
Comment from: Brenda Visitor

I live in Southwest Georgia and we are seeing dozens of these spiders around our farm. It took me forever trying to identify them. This is the first year we have seen them, so I guess they are new to the south. Thanks for documenting them on your site. Your pictures are very good.
Comment from: Sarah Visitor

I’m in SC, and this is also what an immature southern black widow looks like. I have a ton in my backyard, living in a Little Rock border!
Comment from: Byron Visitor

Nice pics of the Northern Widow spider. I can tell you that these little beasts live as far North as Montreal. I have seen, although not photographed, a number of specimens in the woods near my place in St. Bruno. I will be sharing the url of your site with the local paper. Hope that is ok.
Comment from: super mario Visitor

very nice article. Thanks…
Comment from: Pam Visitor

We have found four of these in our house in mancelona, mi. and have been trying to find out what they are due to the fact that we have three small children. I’m glad you took those pics.:)
Comment from: Bill Edwards Visitor

Hey could you email me at Chemia33@ymail.com I live down in wyoming and last year i caught a few widows that were similar but not the same for biology class and just a week ago my mom caught one in my home but again its not the same actually its different from the ones i caught last year
Comment from: Bill Edwards Visitor

Hey i forgot to mention i live in Wyoming
Comment from: mcc Member

Hi Bill -
I emailed you - my guess would be a western widow out in Wyoming, but it’s jsut a guess.
Comment from: Ceri Visitor

Thank you for the nice pictures of a spider I didn’t know existed. My 3-yr old son wanted to know about different spiders that may or may not live near us in Toronto (we live at the edge of the Rouge Valley park which isn’t groomed and we take many walks therein). We love the fact that this park is left as natural as possible.
My son was scared of spiders until I helped him understand and look at spider pictures.
Comment from: Mitch Visitor

Thanks for the pics. These came in handy to ID a reddish black widow that I caught in my yard in Montreal (TMR area). I wasn’t aware that they had such diverse colourings. Your link to Bugguide.net was very helpfull.
Comment from: Teresa Goenner Visitor

These Northern Black Widow Spiders are now in Southern California, Canyon Country to be precise. My husband just saw one in our backyard. We took a picture and looked it up. Great photos btw, thanks for helping us determine what they are.
Comment from: Jim Hohman Visitor

I live in Va. I find many of these Spiders around our house. I figured they were just immature Black widows. Just today, I turned over a small ground level pool deck and found six garbonzo sized black widows. (scary and beautiful) Also within the same space there were several of these smaller spiders like the ones you have photographed here. One of them was in direct bodily contact with one of the larger ones. This made me wonder if the smaller ones with the back markings are male black widows. The larger ones have none of the back markings. Only the telltale hourglass underneath. I didn’t wait to see what was going on between the two in contact. I was too excited and busy coaxing all the big ones into a jar. So go figure. I wonder what I’m actually seeing.
Comment from: John Walsh Visitor

Found a tip of the index finger sized “Northern Black widow” spider, in the Ruskin area of Florida.
Comment from: Barbara Visitor

Found dozens of them under our rotting back porch in Rockwood Ontario. Thanks for helping us identify them.
Comment from: Rhoda Visitor

Im curisous are they dangerous and if they are what should I do?
Comment from: Heidi Visitor

I, being originally from Kalamazoo, have never seen these spiders (any widow variety) growing up, however, I now live in southern Louisiana and today after I got home from work I noticed one of these creepy crawlies making it’s web in my mailbox. Thanks for the good pics, that’s how I was able to identify what I was dealing with!

I once saw a spider like that but I’m not pretty sure that that is the spider that I saw and I;m just 8 at 2012
Comment from: phoenix curry Visitor

i just killed one here in El Paso Texas she was large and i noticed the web was larger than a typical southern black widow. can they be found this far down south? and are they always in grassy areas or will they make their home anywhere that is cool and shady?
Comment from: wayne hale Visitor

i live in kalamazoo and i believe that i have a northern black widow living on the sidewall of a shed built the garage. i tried to show it to the wife during the day and couldn’t find it. the web is very large and circular in middle. only see it at night when walking the dog but its front legs are like a spotted white and the abdomen appear to have two white stripes. it that a false black widow or a northern black widow. haven’t notice any egg sacks yet. might have to look in the day to spot it. thx
Comment from: Uncle Bozzin Visitor

There are four (4) types of widows spiders in the continental United States: Southern, Northern, Western and Florida Black Widows.
Each has their distinct markings, mating and habitat preferences.
Comment from: Nikki In Michigan Visitor

Glad i found this photo because it helped me identify a spider i just found on my front deck….i have a small child and pets so i know what i need to keep an eye out for
Comment from: P.C. s.e. Alabama Visitor

I have a Note 4 Samsung phone. It has a light, a flash, and a zoom lens. I have some unbelievable pictures. My son-in-law is a photographer for the Army, and he just couldn’t believe the photos this camera would take. I have pics of the moon at mid-night. And the clouds are very defined. It would have been great to have had this camera when I was in Thailand. But of course, as all G.I.’s did. I bought a 35mm which took a lot to set up. This phone does all that for you. ” AND YOUR NOT SPENDING A FORTUNE ON FILM!!! ” Just take that little chip to wally-world, or plug right into your printer and download. Oh Yeah! We have Brown Widows here in SE Alabama. Sort of a milk chocolate color with the red hour glass, and the same size.
Comment from: S Oliver Visitor

Just found one in my mailbox. In north Texas area.
good luck on the good clear shot concept.
my best, so far, is at http://flickr.com/photos/kimmi/1382696438/
that’d be a western black widow. they’re present, in great numbers, all around this town. i could walk outside right now and find 15 webs within 30 feet. problem for me is, they’re nocturnal, so in order to foto one during the day i have to seriously annoy/frighten her, then prevent her running away. i’ll figure it out eventually.
they do seem to like big food.