The People's House - HDR / IR
As I mentioned ins post from a few days ago, I tried to take digital infrared images of the Capitol from the Washington Mall. It was mid morning, the building was back lit, and IR photography is unforgiving in some respects… So - I bracketed a few shots and walked over to the other side of the building. But I bracketed with the intent of trying to recoup some useful HRD images…

Pretty cool… Though a bit gaudy. This is an HDR compost of three bracketed digital infrared images (digitally converted Pentax K–10d) with channel mixing, layer blending, and a bunch of other digital manipulations. Super freak photography?
I liked that photo when I first made it, but putting it up on the wall after a while I realized it lacks - umm… subtlety. Here’s a photo of the Capitol that I like better - again HDR digital IR but rendered with a little less gaudiness:

ANd here’s a shot I like because it has trees in it (and as a rule, I like trees):

More HDR stuff - gaudy and not, IR and not, coming….

Comment from: John Visitor

Comment from: mcc Member

Thanks, John - that’s my favorite as well, and it looks pretty good printed at 11 x 14.
I particularly like the middle one 0